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Our Belief


We believe that the Holy Scriptures consist of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments in their original writing; that the Spirit of God so influenced the authors that these writings are the Word of God; that because of the divine origin and inspiration of its words, the Scriptures are true in all that they affirm and are trustworthy and without error; that these Scriptures are the complete and only written revelation of God to people;  that every translation that is faithful to the originals and responsibly interpreted clearly reveals those truths necessary for our salvation, godly living, and maturity in Christ; and that Scripture alone is our sufficient and final authority in all matters of belief and practice.

Romans 3:2Matthew 5:18Luke 24:27Revelation 22:18-19Deuteronomy 4:1-2Proverbs 30:5-6; 2 Peter 1:19-21Luke 1:70Acts 1:16Acts 3:18Ephesians 6:17Hebrews 3:7; John 10:35John 17:172 Timothy 3:16-17John 14:26; Matthew 24:35Romans 3:2Acts 7:381 Corinthians 9:8-101 Corinthians 4:6Deuteronomy 4:1-2Proverbs 30:5-6Revelation 22:18-19; 2 Timothy 2:152 Peter 3:16Acts 17:112 Peter 1:3-4Psalm 19:7-14; Jude 1:3Luke 16:29-31Matthew 4:1-4Mark 7:9-13Romans 15:4


We believe in one God who eternally exists in three co-equal persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; that though each divine person is fully and equally God, they differ in relationship towards each other and their work in the world; that this triune God is perfect and infinite in His being and attributes – an all-holy, all-loving, and all-wise Sovereign; that from before creation, God determined to save sinners through the sacrifice of His Son, to govern all history according to His sovereign plan and to finally bring all things under one head, even Christ; and that all things exist from Him, through Him, and for Him, and are created to display the glory of His wonderful Name.

Deuteronomy 6:4Isaiah 46:91 Corinthians 8:61 Timothy 2:5Matthew 3:16-17Matthew 28:19John 14:16-171 Peter 1:1-2Revelation 1:4-6 , John 1:1-3John 3:161 Corinthians 8:61 Corinthians 12:4-5Galatians 4:4-6Ephesians 1:3-141 Peter 1:1-21 Timothy 6:15-16Isaiah 6:31 Peter 1:15Deuteronomy 7:9Psalm 86:15Psalm 89:14; Psalm 117; Romans 8:37-391 John 4:16Romans 11:33-361 Timothy 1:17Isaiah 55:9Romans 16:27, John 3:16Ephesians 1:4-511131 Timothy 1:152 Timothy 1:9Revelation 13:8Genesis 50:20Isaiah 9:7Isaiah 46:8-11Daniel 4:35Acts 17:26Ephesians 1:10; Isaiah 48:11Romans 11:36Ephesians 1:5614Ephesians 2:7Revelation 5:13

Man and Sin

We believe that in the beginning God sovereignly created all things visible and invisible and took delight in it all; that He created humankind male and female as his image bearers, endowing each with a dignity of equal worth and calling to govern and care for His creation; that human life is sacred to God and begins at conception, and should not be unnecessarily terminated at any stage; that God created marriage to be an exclusive and lifelong union between a natural man and a natural woman, giving the man the responsibility of loving leadership and the woman the role of compatible support; that the first man Adam sinned and thereby incurred the penalty of death, physical and spiritual, for all people, and as a consequence of his sin, all humans inherit a sinful nature, which results in actual transgression and personal guilt.

Colossians 1:16Revelation 4:11Genesis 1:1-31; Genesis 1:26-31Mark 10:6James 3:9; Genesis 9:6Psalm 119:73Psalm 139:13-16Jeremiah 1:5Isaiah 42:5Zechariah 12:1 Luke 1:41; Genesis 2:24Malachi 2:15Matthew 19:5-6Ephesians 5:22-24Ephesians 5:25-31Hebrews 13:4Leviticus 18:22Leviticus 20:13Romans 1:26-271 Corinthians 6:9-11; Genesis 3:6-816-19Genesis 6:5Romans 3:10-1923Romans 5:12,17Romans 7:91 Corinthians 15:22Ephesians 2:3

The Person of Christ

We believe that when the time was right, the eternal Son of God took on human nature, and was made like us in every way, yet without sin; that, after being conceived by the Holy Spirit, He was born of the virgin Mary, was named Jesus (meaning ‘God saves’), and from conception was and always will be fully God and fully man in one person; and that He is, therefore, the perfect and only mediator between God and people.

John 1:14Galatians 4:4Philippians 2:5-8Hebrews 2:14Hebrews 4:15; Luke 1:3135Matthew 1:21Romans 1:3-41 Corinthians 15:47-48Colossians 1:19Colossians 2:9; Ephesians 2:181 Timothy 2:5Hebrews 9:15Hebrews 12:241 John 2:1

The Work of Christ in Salvation

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ lived a sinless life, was perfectly obedient to His Father in every way, and ushered in the promised Kingdom of God in all His words and deeds; that, for the joy set before Him, He offered up Himself as the perfect substitutionary and atoning sacrifice for sinners, triumphing over sin, death, and all the forces of evil, and purchasing for Himself a people out of every tribe, language, and nation; that on the cross the Son of God received in His person the due penalty of God’s wrath against our sin, and that His shed blood is the sole basis for our salvation and the greatest revelation of the glory of the grace of our God.

Isaiah 53:7-92 Corinthians 5:211 Peter 2:22Hebrews 4:151 John 3:5; Isaiah 53:5-12Romans 3:23-252 Corinthians 5:21Hebrews 9:14Hebrews 12:21 Peter 3:181 John 2:2; John 12:311 Corinthians 15:54-57Hebrews 2:14Hebrews 9:26Ephesians 1:11-14Colossians 2:142 Timothy 1:10; 1 John 3:8Revelation 5:9Revelation 7:9
Isaiah 53:5-6Matthew 27:45-462 Corinthians 5:21Galatians 3:13Romans 5:9Hebrews 9:14221 John 4:10Romans 8:32Ephesians 1:5-7Colossians 1:1420Hebrews 9:22Revelation 5:9

The Present Work of Christ

We believe that the Lord Jesus was crucified, buried, and on the third day was resurrected bodily from the dead and glorified as the first-fruits of God’s new creation; that he ascended into heaven, where He is seated at the right hand of the Father as ruler over all things; that He presently intercedes as High Priest and Advocate for all who draw near to God through Him; and that He will return personally, visibly, and gloriously to judge the living and the dead.

Acts 2:32Luke 24:39John 20:27; 1 Corinthians 15:17-23; 1 Corinthians 15:20Acts 1:9-11Ephesians 1:20-221 Timothy 3:161 Peter 3:22; John 14:161 John 2:1Romans 8:34Hebrews 7:25; Matthew 24:29-30Luke 17:24Acts 1:10-111 Thessalonians 4:161 John 2:282 Timothy 4:11 Peter 4:5Revelation 1:7

The Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the Lord, the giver of life, who formed the world, empowered certain individuals for God’s purposes, and who speaks in the Holy Scriptures; that God anointed Jesus Christ with the Spirit for His ministry and that the Spirit was given to the Church at Pentecost to indwell, lead, and unite believers, gifting each of them for various works of service; that the Holy Spirit glorifies Christ, gives understanding of the Word, convicts people of their sin, unites believers to Jesus, and forms the character of Christ within them; and that the Spirit pours the love of God into our hearts, enables prayer and witness, and seals the believer for the day of the redemption of their bodies.

Romans 8:22 Corinthians 3:617-18John 6:63Genesis 1:2Job 33:4Psalm 33:6Exodus 35:30-31Numbers 24:2

1 Samuel 10:102 Samuel 23:2Acts 1:16Hebrews 3:72 Timothy 3:16; Isaiah 61:1Matthew 3:16Luke 4:18Acts 10:38Acts 1:8Acts 2:4Romans 8:1114Ephesians 4:3-41112Romans 12:4-71 Corinthians 12:7-11
John 16:813-141 Corinthians 2:9-16Ephesians 1:17-182 Corinthians 3:18Galatians 4:19Galatians 5:2-23
Romans 5:5Romans 8:26-27Ephesians 6:18Acts 1:82 Corinthians 1:22Ephesians 1:13Ephesians 4:30


We believe that through the call of God in the Gospel message, all who receive Christ Jesus as Saviour and Lord are born again by the Holy Spirit, becoming a new creation in Christ; that through faith in Him, sinners have the forgiveness of sins and are declared righteous on the grounds of His shed blood; that repentance is a condition of this salvation and the first sign of that holiness without which no one will see the Lord; that by virtue of their union with Christ, believers share in all the benefits of grace that are in Him, including the adoption as sons and the gift of the Holy Spirit; and that all who turn from their sin, trusting Christ, may have the assurance that they will be kept and accepted by Him.

John 1:12-13; John 3:3 & 182 Corinthians 5:17James 1:181 Peter 1:23-25; Luke 18:14Romans 3:26Romans 4:5Romans 5:1-2Ephesians 2:13Philippians 3:8Luke 19:8-10Acts 2:38Mark 1:15Acts 17:302 Corinthians 7:10-111 John 1:8-9Hebrews 12:14; John 1:16Ephesians 1:35Romans 8:14-17Galatians 4:4-6Philippians 1:19
John 10:27-29Philippians 1:62 Thessalonians 3:3

The Church

We believe that the Church is the whole company of those who have been redeemed by Jesus Christ, regenerated by the Holy Spirit, reconciled to the Father, and thereby to each other; that this Church is the people of God, the body of Christ and the temple of the Holy Spirit, through whom God’s purpose in history is made known; that the local church, as a manifestation of the universal Church, is a community of believers in a particular place where God’s Word is preached and practiced, the two ordinances are observed, and church discipline is exercised; that in the local church both men and women are called to serve equally, and male headship should be evidenced; and that each local church is ruled by Jesus Christ, governed by its members, led by its shepherds, and served by its deacons.

Matthew 16:18Ephesians 1:22-23Ephesians 5:23Colossians 1:18Hebrews 12:23; 1 Corinthians 3:16Ephesians 1:23Ephesians 3:9-101 Peter 2:9-10; Acts 20:281 Corinthians 1:2Ephesians 2:18-211 Timothy 3:152 Timothy 4:1-51 Peter 2:59-10Matthew 28:19-201 Corinthians 11:23-32Romans 6:1-4Matthew 18:15-20Galatians 6:1-5Titus 3:10; Acts 2:17-181 Corinthians 11:51 Corinthians 14:341 Timothy 2:8-151 Peter 3:71 Peter 4:10-11; Acts 6:1-7Acts 14:23Acts 15:3-422-28Acts 20:28Matthew 18:17Ephesians 5:23Philippians 1:1Colossians 1:181 Corinthians 5:1-13Titus 1:5-91 Timothy 3:1-131 Peter 5:1-3

The Ordinances

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ appointed two ordinances – Baptism and the Lord’s Supper – to be observed as acts of obedience and as witnesses to the primary facts of the Christian faith; that Baptism is the immersion of a professing believer in water as a confession of identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection; and that the Lord’s Supper is the partaking of the bread and the cup, signifying our participation in the Saviour’s body and shed blood in remembrance of His death until He comes.

Matthew 28:19-20Matthew 3:16Romans 6:1-4Galatians 3:27Luke 22:14-20Acts 2:41-421 Corinthians 10:161 Corinthians 11:23-32; Acts 2:38Romans 6:3-5Colossians 2:12Galatians 3:27; Mark 14:22-281 Corinthians 10:161 Corinthians 11:23-26

The Mission of the Church

We believe that the mission of the Church is to make disciples of all people groups in all places through the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to plant and establish local churches to obey all that Jesus taught the Apostles; that in loving our neighbour as ourselves, compassionately, practically and wisely, we image the love of God to all; and that we should do all this according to the Scriptures, under the shadow of the Cross and in the power of the resurrection.

Psalm 22:27Psalm 67:1-7Matthew 16:8Matthew 28:18-20Acts 1:8Acts 14:22Ephesians 4:11-16Titus 1:5
Leviticus 17:18Luke 10:25-27John 13:352 Corinthians 5:14Galatians 6:9-10; Mark 8:34-35Romans 1:41 Corinthians 1:18-23Ephesians 1:19-20Philippians 3:10James 2:8

Future Things

We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous; that all people will appear before God’s judgement seat to receive their due for the things done while in the body; that those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life will enter into eternal life, but the unrighteous into eternal condemnation; and that according to God’s promise we look forward to a new heaven and a new earth in which righteousness dwells, when we will forever be with the Lord, and He with us: Come Lord Jesus, come! Amen.

Job 19:25-27Psalm 16:10Isaiah 26:19Daniel 12:2John 5:28-29Acts 24:15Romans 6:51 Thessalonians 4:16-17
John 5:2227-29Matthew 16:27Romans 2:62 Corinthians 5:10Hebrews 9:27; Matthew 7:21-23Matthew 13:49-50Mark 9:45-49Mark 25:31-46Revelation 13:8Revelation 20:11-15Revelation 21:27; 1 Thessalonians 4:172 Peter 3:13Revelation 21:1Revelation 22:20

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